An extraordinary orchestra, composed of Plants and Trees that generate live music thanks to the PlantsPlay devices, which translate their biorhythm into musical notes.

Plant and Tree Concerts

The Orchestra is directed by Edoardo Taori, musicologist and founder of the project, who assists the plants in their musical composition and guides the listening of this extraordinary experience.

Generative Plant Music

Plants are extremely intelligent beings, according to the latest scientific research they possess at least 15 senses. Their biorhythm changes based on the environmental conditions in which they are immersed, such as the amount of light or water, the presence of insects, animals or human beings. Their music is therefore unique and unrepeatable


The orchestra's mission is to make the plant kingdom collaborate with humans, through science, technology and the art of music. Many super guests such as Dardust, Andy Bluvertigo, Pietro Morello, Cristina Scabbia, Tormento, Saturnino have performed with the PlantsPlay ORCHESTRA, creating an incredible show.


Listening to the melodies of ancient trees, immersed in a suggestive setting, with wild trees and plants, is something memorable. Or being lulled by the sweet melodies generated by beautiful potted plants, together with human musicians in a Theater, is incredibly unique and exciting.

Plant and Tree Concerts

The Orchestra is directed by Edoardo Taori, musicologist and founder of the project, who assists the plants in their musical composition and guides the listening of this extraordinary experience.

Generative Plant Music

Plants are extremely intelligent beings, according to the latest scientific research they possess at least 15 senses. Their biorhythm changes based on the environmental conditions in which they are immersed, such as the amount of light or water, the presence of insects, animals or human beings. Their music is therefore unique and unrepeatable


The orchestra's mission is to make the plant kingdom collaborate with humans, through science, technology and the art of music. Many super guests such as Dardust, Andy Bluvertigo, Pietro Morello, Cristina Scabbia, Tormento, Saturnino have performed with the PlantsPlay ORCHESTRA, creating an incredible show.


Listening to the melodies of ancient trees, immersed in a suggestive setting, with wild trees and plants, is something memorable. Or being lulled by the sweet melodies generated by beautiful potted plants, together with human musicians in a Theater, is incredibly unique and exciting.

Upcoming Events

Dates to be updated, sign up for the newsletter to stay updated

- 02 - Nov - PARMA

Concerto con Rossana De Pace - Borgo Santa Brigida 5/a, ore 21,30

- 07 Nov - MILANO

Concerto con opsite SATURNINO, al DI4 Distretto Industriale 4, ore 21,30 - Via Vincenzo Toffetti, 25 Ticket

- 02 Dic - BARI

Concerto al Teatro Piccinni con Stefano Mancuso e Malika Ayane


Edoardo Taori, performer, writer and entrepreneur, has been searching for extraordinary plants and trees all over the world since 2014 to make them compose music, with the aim of raising human awareness of respect for nature. His travels in India and Nepal are recounted in the book series “Nel canto degli Alberi” and in the documentary “L’albero del Drago ed il respiro della Laurisilva”, filmed in the Canary Islands.

A graduate in Musicology, with a great passion for electronics, computer science and botany, since 2016 he and his team of engineers have been involved in the production and marketing of Plants Play devices, which convert the electrical variations of plants into music. The launch of the device was an immediate success worldwide, and has been defined by the Italian and foreign press as one of the most innovative technologies that combine Science, Technology and the Art of Music. Today it is used by Universities, Research Centers, Educators, Performers, Musicians, Tarapeuti, but also by simple enthusiasts, who love to listen to the music of their plants.

Since 2018 he has directed the Plants Play ORCHESTRA, the first orchestra in the world composed of Plants and Trees, which generate live music. Over the years he has performed dozens of concerts in parks and nature reserves, for the main Italian environmental associations, for large Festivals and for the Ministry of Education. In 2023 he collaborated with Dardust on the performance “The Blooming Symphony” for the opening of the Sanremo Festival 2023 and with Enrico Lo Verso on the show Metamorfosi, staged in Italian theaters.

Important artists participated in the 2024 Tour as guests of the Orchestra, such as: Andy Bluvertigo, Pietro Morello, Cristina Scabbia, Tormento and Saturnino.

Contact us if you want to organize a concert