Mission and Vision

Our mission is to give a tool for everyone to connect to the natural biorhythm of plants, to wonder and regain the well-being that modern life with its stressful rhythms has taken away from us.

More than 70% of people do not see plants or have a relationship with them. Our vision is to help awaken the slumbering consciences of modern humans and reconnect them to the healthier rhythms of plants and nature.




Return to the Land

Plants Call

Founder Edoardo Taori, after graduating in Musicology and founding the electronic music label 'Sostanze Records' in Rome, decided to leave his job for Sony Italy and move to cultivate the land in Salento (Apulia - Italy) with Federica Zizzari. His deep contact with nature began to profoundly change his vision of the plant kingdom and rediscover the ancient bond that binds us to it. Plants begin to whisper to him that it is time to revolutionise the world of generative music.


First prototypes

The first phase of experimentation began, with the self-construction of the first prototypes to make the plants generate music and the first live performances.

At this time Edoardo realizes that the market lacks a plant biofeedback that is affordable, easy to use with an app, and portable. So he begins testing his biofeedback system in performance and chronicling the experience on social media


Research trips

Edoardo began a series of trips around the world, such as India, Nepal, the Canary Islands, Morocco and many European nations, to make extraordinary trees and plants generate music. These experiences resulted in the books in the collection 'Nel Canto degli Alberi' and the documentary 'L'albero del Drago ed il respiro della Laurisilva'. Plants play community grows more and more on social networks


The Plants Play company is born

The first Plants Play team was created, consisting of software engineers, electronics engineers, designers and botanists. After years of research and development, Edoardo Taori launches a successful crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo to raise the necessary funds to design and produce the world's smallest and best-performing plant biofeedback device with app.

Live Performances

Plants Play Orchestra

After years of artistic experimentation, Edoardo Taori founded the PlantsPlay ORCHESTRA, where plants generate live classical and electronic music together with human musicians.
The Orchestra hosts artists such as, Pietro Morello, Andy Bluevertigo, Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil), Tormento (SottoTono), Saturnino and many others. In 2023, Edoardo Taori collaborates with artist Dardust on the opening performance of Italy's most important music event, the SANREMO Festival 2023.

New Research and Development

Plants Play device 2

From the experience of many years of device production, a new phase of research and development begins with the new Plants Play Team to realise the Plants Play device 2.
The device brings new innovations that make it once again the world's smallest, best performing, portable and easiest-to-use biofeedback device for plants.

By listening deeply to the melody, the listener can immerse himself in an emotional dimension of extraordinary impact and involvement that can be very inspiring. - EDOARDO TAORI, Ceo & Founder


Let's connect to the Plant Kingdom

Connecting to plants with PlantsPlay strengthens our connection to Nature. We believe that listening to plant music can stimulate humans and the plant kingdom to create new partnerships for the well-being of the ecosystem.

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