Quick Guide Video Tutorial
Quick Start Guide
What's going to happen?
Plants are intelligent and conscious living beings. According to the latest research, they have more than 15 senses and interact with the world around them. Their biorhythm is influenced by external stimuli such as the amount of light, water, chemicals, heat, contact, communication with other living beings, etc.)
To understand what you are about to experience, you can see the plant as a composer who writes a musical score in real time, based on the changes in its biorhythm. The PlantsPlay app as a performer, who plays the notes with the musical instrument you choose.
Plant: composer (the PlantsPlay device detects its electrical variations / biorhythm and converts them in real time into musical notes)
PlantsPlay app: performer (Plays the notes in real time that come from the device)
You: choose which instrument the app can use to play the musical notes written by the plant
Before starting
Battery charge 2-4 hours
- Connect the provided USB cable from a power source (5 volt) to your PlantsPlay’s USB-C port.
- During charging, the battery indicator light flashes (red, yellow, green)
- When charging is complete, the battery indicator appears green and stops flashing.
The PlantsPlay battery has a default life of 20 hours. To keep the battery healthy, don't leave it fully discharged for too many days, but make sure to charge it to 100% when not in use for a long time.
How to use electrodes
The round adhesive electrodes are reusable and can be used on strong leaves. When you don't get to the leaves of a tree, you can use them on the stem, but be careful not to put it on bark that is too brittle, otherwise you will soil it irretrievably.
Clip electrodes are ideal for plants with leaves that are too small or delicate, for fungi, or for humans. We recommend wetting the surface of the leaves where you apply them for better detection, whereas the round adhesive sensors already have gel incorporated.
Turn on your device and open the app
- To turn on the device, simply insert the supplied jack cable and choose which sensor to use, inserting it into the other two ends of the cable and connecting them to the plant. The device will start to flash (green good battery level, yellow about 6 hours at the end of the battery, red about 3 hours at the end of the battery.
- Download the Plants Play app for iOS or Android and open it. Accept the terms and conditions and all permissions the app asks you for in order to function properly.
- Click on connect detected device. You will start to see a green screen with the electrical diagram of the plant and listen to the music. The device will start flashing blue and the colour of the device's charge level (red, yellow or green)
- In the top right hand corner you have the question mark icon (?) which opens a help video explaining all the functions of the screen you are in.
- To turn off the device simply unplug the jack cable
Can I use a bluetooth speaker or headphones?
You can simultaneously connect to your phone with the PlantsPlay app, the device and a bluetooth speaker or headset. You can also connect a sound system via cable to your phone.
Device firmware update and app update
We may release updates to the firmware of the device over time. Open the Menu and tap on update firmware to launch the update if available.
Make sure you're connected to an internet network, and that you have a good battery life on your phone and device. (The update takes about 5-10 minutes).
To update the PlantsPlay app go to the PlayStore if you have Android or to the Apple Store if you have Iphone/Ipad. Search for the Plants Play app and tap on update if it is available.

PlantsPlay App Video Tutorial
Advanced use
with professional audio apps and programs (DAW: Ableton Live, Logic, Garage Band, Pro Tools, etc...) - GITHUB SDK
Use PlantsPlay via Bluetooth with other audio apps
The PlantsPlay device is recognised by iOS and Android as a generic MIDI musical instrument, so you can use it via Bluetooth with other professional audio apps.
Just turn the device on, do not connect it to our app (kill the app just in case), and go into the settings of the audio app you are using and select it in the bluetooth MIDI devices detected by the app.
Use PlantsPlay via Bluetooth or cable, with other audio programs (MAC or WINDOWS)
You can use the device either via Bluetooth or via USB cable with your computer (MAC or WINDOWS).
The computer recognises PlantsPlay as a generic MIDI musical instrument.
Open the settings of your professional audio program and select PlantsPlay as a MIDI musical instrument, and assign it to an audio channel in the program.
In addition to sending notes (channel 1), the device also sends Control Changes (CC, channel 2, number 80) that you can use to map knobs and effects and make timbres more fascinating.
Set the scale and octaves directly in the device
You can set the scale and octaves that the plant has available to play directly in the device. Go to the scale screen of the PlantsPlay app, select the scale and octaves and tap on the central logo icon. You will see the notes and octaves stored in the device through dots on the scale and with numbers near the octave fold.
In the settings menu of the PlantsPlay app, you can choose whether the app should play with the notes and octaves stored on the device or with those in the app.
Every time the device is turned off, it resets with a chromatic scale and all octaves.
PlantsPlay SDK - GITHUB link
Plants have taught us the power of collaboration and we are excited to open up the possibility for developers around the world, to create new applications for PlantsPlay and expand its potential.
At this GITHUB link, you can download the manual and instructions for working independently on new applications with PlantsPlay:
Let us know what you are up to.
Use it with other professional audio apps via Bluetooth

Open the other professional audio app and select PlantsPlay Bluetooth MIDI device in the settings

Select a musical instrument and you are ready to listen

Remember that you can customize from our PlantsPlay app the scale and musical octaves available to the plant and store them in your device. (You can connect one app at a time)
Open the other professional audio app and select PlantsPlay Bluetooth MIDI device in the settings
Select a musical instrument and you are ready to listen
Remember that you can customize from our PlantsPlay app the scale and musical octaves available to the plant and store them in your device. (You can connect one app at a time)

Use it with professional audio programs on your computer (DAW) via Bluetooth or USB cable

To connect it via Bluetooth, open MIDI audio configuration in settings on your Computer/Mac and select Plants Play

Select PlantsPlay Bluetooth in the MIDI channel you want and choose a musical instrument

Connect the PlantsPlay via USB to the Computer/Mac and select PlantsPlay Device on your professional audio program

You can map digital Synth knobs and controls to ControlChanges (CC 80) generated by the Plant. You can do this with the device connected, either via Bluetooth or USB cable
To connect it via Bluetooth, open MIDI audio configuration in settings on your Computer/Mac and select Plants Play
Select PlantsPlay Bluetooth in the MIDI channel you want and choose a musical instrument
Connect the PlantsPlay via USB to the Computer/Mac and select PlantsPlay Device on your professional audio program
You can map digital Synth knobs and controls to ControlChanges (CC 80) generated by the Plant. You can do this with the device connected, either via Bluetooth or USB cable

Taking time to listen to plants can help one escape the hustle and bustle of daily life. This practice becomes a ritual that shifts the focus from daily tasks to connecting with nature. By slowing down and tuning into the subtle changes in plant music, we enter a state of heightened presence. This increased presence is linked to reduced stress, enhanced creativity, greater clarity, and a sense of openness.
PlantsPlay detects microfluctuations in conductivity between two points on a plant. This conductivity is largely influenced by the amount of water between these points, which fluctuates as plants photosynthesize and move chloroplasts. These variations are graphed over time, creating a wave that is then translated into pitch. These pitch signals are used to control specially designed instruments. Each note you hear reflects a real-time change within the plant. The larger the gap between consecutive notes, the more significant the change occurring within the plant.
The project is inspired by the desire to reconnect the human being to a slower and more conscious biorhythm, just like that of plants. Since we have moved away from natural environments, we have lost the ability to connect with nature and ourselves.
The PlantsPlay project, through plant music, wants to give people a tool to reconnect to the biorhythm of nature and live in well-being.
Taking a moment to listen to plants can offer a break from the hustle and bustle of daily life. This practice transforms into a ritual that shifts focus from daily tasks to a harmonious connection with nature. By slowing down and attuning to the delicate variations in plant music, we enter a state of heightened awareness. This increased mindfulness is linked to reduced stress, enhanced creativity, greater clarity, and a sense of openness.
Each plant creates its own unique patterns, melodies or 'songs'. Even different leaves of the same plant can generate different patterns, which can change over time. We recommend spending extended periods with a single plant to observe its evolving musical patterns.
Furthermore, plants of the same species have similar but never the same musical patterns.
According to the latest scientific research, plants have more than 15 senses. They have developed them because they are living beings that cannot move like us animals. So they need to solve problems while standing still and to do this they need to perceive the reality around them very well. Plants are influenced by many factors, such as the amount of light, water, soil quality, but also by communication with the external environment.
If we touch the plant, we can notice the change in musical patter. We also all emit heat and chemicals from our skin, and chemical signals are the main language of plants. All these factors contribute to changing the electrical state of the plant and thus the music generated.
PlantsPlay is designed to detect electrical variations in plants and convert them into musical notes. The plant vitality icon and graph tell you whether a plant is very active at that moment or is at rest. It may happen that some plants have zero electrical variations at certain times and therefore do not produce music.
PlantsPlay detects the plant's electrical microfluctuations and converts them into musical notes, played by the app with the musical instrument of your choice.
So the plant is the composer who writes the musical score in real time, based on its biorhythm, and the app is the performer who plays them with the musical rules you choose.
PlantsPlay is not harmful to plants, in fact a very low voltage micro-current passes between the sensors, imperceptible to both plants and humans, which serves to detect electrical changes in the plant.
PlantsPlay takes long-established scientific knowledge and enhances its capabilities with modern digital and mobile technology. Biofeedback circuits, also known as galvanometers, were used extensively in the 1960s during FBI interrogations to detect whether a person was lying to certain questions. Cleve Backster applied this technology to plants, observing that plants seemed to react to thoughts and emotions.Russian scientists at that time also conducted similar experiments and obtained similar results. You can find many experiments on the subject in the book 'The Secret Life of Plants'. In the last twenty years, many research centres have finally proven that plants have more than 15 senses and perceive reality in depth.
You can simultaneously connect to your phone with the PlantsPlay app, the device and a bluetooth speaker or headset. You can also connect a sound system via cable to your phone.
Yes, you can use it as you wish. We do not want to restrict anyone in the artistic use of the device and encourage use in all its forms.
At most, ask the tree or plant if you can use the music it has written for your own commercial purposes :)
The device is calibrated to detect the electrical microfluctuations of plants but can also detect those of all organic beings such as fungi, bacteria, lichens and animals.
Some types of stones and crystals can generate very few notes per hour, due to changes in humidity, light, heat and thus electrical conductivity.
Sure, if you want to cooperate with us, send an e-mail to support@plantsplay.com
Please note that we only sell the device from our website and will only accept online collaborations.
It is designed and manufactured in Italy with great care and sustainability. It is the smallest, most rainproof, and high-performance device on the market.
Our detection system and the algorithm for converting it into music are based on a careful scientific analysis of the data. In fact, you will always hear a faithful conversion of his biorhythm into music, which you can also see on the scientific graph in our app. PlantsPlay stands for scientific design quality and care in production.
It is used by universities, wellness centres, musicians, performers, science communicators, plant enthusiasts, yoga and meditation teachers and many others.
PlantsPlay is not a toy, but a very sophisticated tool for detecting and converting biological plant data into music. We do high-level research and development with the best Italian engineers and botanists to make the best portable plant biofeedback device in the world.
No music is generated by the plant
Some plants or trees may have zero electrical variations at certain times and therefore do not emit any musical notes. Try stimulating it by touching the leaves or stem near the sensors.
You will find that some plants sing a lot and others almost not at all. For example, cyclamens sing a lot, while orchids sing very little.
If the silence persists with all plants, try touching the two sensors simultaneously with both hands. If they do not emit music, then there is a problem, so contact us at the appropriate form or email support@plantsplay.com
Device does not turn on or does not connect
If the device does not turn on by inserting the jack, try charging it with a 5-volt charger of a phone or computer.
If your device does not connect to the app, make sure you have accepted all the permissions requested by the app such as GPS location etc... and that you have turned on Bluetooth.
Try also in order:
- Turn off the device
- Kill the app
- Turn off the bluetooth, wait 5 seconds and then turn it on again
- Turn on the device
- Open the app and check if it works now, otherwise repeat the process
If the problem persists, please contact support.
Problems with Sound Quality
If the sound is not of good quality, you may have a phone with an overloaded CPU because it is too old and underperforming.
Or you have set a not pleasant combination of the preset (instrument, scale and effects). Tap on the dice icon in the top right, to have the app select the preset combination. When you like it, listen and save a new preset.
If the high frequencies bother you, you can lower them with the equalizer in the menu, settings, or deselect the highest frequency octaves, in the scale screen.
Do you have any question?
We’d love to hear from you! Fill out the form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. If you represent a business, university or research institute, please use this contact form.